Friday, December 30, 2011

Little Miss Cambell

If you don't think kids can get any cuter...think again! Absolute beauty in this little one!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One Little Sister...Three Big Brothers

I don't even think beautiful describes this family! I had the absolute pleasure of photographing these four gorgeous children (oh, and their parents, too)! We had an awesome afternoon...maybe next time we raid the ice cream cooler!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Three Families, One Farm

Here in Minnesota, the days have shortened and the cold weather is starting to set in. However, that doesn't stop hearty Minnesotans from braving the cold north wind cutting through the farm to get their family portraits done. Thank you, Schlueter, Kittelsen & Weckman families, for having me. It was cold, but we survived!

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Schuette Family

As I'm editing these photos, I'm being reminded every minute that I need to be patient. My computer is going the slowest is could possibly go...and for me, that's not good at all. Seriously, I think I got a load of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away all the while my computer is laughing at me while it's saving ONE file! I have to say, though, the outcome was well worth the test of patience! These kiddos are adorable! Thank you, Schuette family, for teaching me patience today...even if you didn't know you were doing it!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Little Miss Addison

There is something to be said about photographing a baby! What I have to say is that it's an absolute joy! This little one didn't want to sleep too much, so we seized our moments when we could. What we ended up with were beautiful photographs that mom & dad will cherish for years to come. Congratulations Shane & Jessica!